Why I dropped out of psychology and became an evolutionary biologist, Part II: Evolution is happening, and it matters.

At about the same time that I was getting very frustrated by my psychology courses, I was taking an Evolution lab course (taught by the ingenious Janis Antonovics) where the theories I had been reading about first began to take shape. It was my first taste of why evolution mattered to me and also of … Continue reading Why I dropped out of psychology and became an evolutionary biologist, Part II: Evolution is happening, and it matters.

Why I dropped out of psychology and became an evolutionary biologist

Every few months or so, I go through a period of wondering why I am doing what I am doing (as a scientist, that is). It usually happens when I am talking to, or listening to a talk by, another scientist who is studying the mechanism underlying a specific feature of biology. For example, the … Continue reading Why I dropped out of psychology and became an evolutionary biologist